Híjole! Tequila

Híjole! Tequila launched in the United States mid-2022. We created a campaign to showcase “Híjole Moments,” the split-second instances in the night that live with you forever. Unfortunately, we were unable to produce it. But we had fun in the meantime.

“Shoulda Been There” Campaign

TV Script (Slideshow)



Fortunately, we were able to kickstart their Instagram. 15k+ follower growth in under 6 months.

[more at @HijoleTequila on Instagram (6/22/23-12/31/23)]

The Team:

Art Direction: Dan Harrill (www.danharrill.com)

Animation/Editing: Tobias Graves-Morris (www.offsetfilmhouse.com)

Design: Justus Friesen (www.justusfriesen.com)

ECD: Austin Lane (www.austin-lane.com)

Copy: Hunter Normand (You’re in the right place.)


Híjole Sports